Policy Manual

Uses of University Resources

The following guidelines have been developed to regulate use of the University's name, assets, equipment, space and staff services.

University services and property, including the University's name, are to be used solely for the conduct of University business by faculty and staff and by officially recognized campus organizations.

Faculty and staff are responsible for assuring that University assets and resources, including but not limited to

  • staff and staff time
  • telephones
  • duplicating services
  • cash
  • campus mail
  • computing equipment and time
  • other equipment
  • supplies
  • space
  • vehicles

are used solely for University business.

The University's name or logo must not be used in any announcement, advertising matter, publication, correspondence or report in connection with personal or unofficial activities of faculty members or staff. Further, the University's name or logo must not be used in any way that could be construed as implying endorsement of any project, product or service not officially sponsored by the University.

Policy Number: 003
Effective Date: 2/1/1990
Supersedes Policy Number(s): N/A
Applicability: All University Employees
Cross-reference: Policy 002

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