Service Recognition Program
The University of Pennsylvania Service Recognition Program shows appreciation for long-term, full-, and part-time employment with the University of Pennsylvania. Faculty and staff with 10 or more years of service are recognized at five-year service milestones thereafter. Recognition occurs within one year of the milestone in a manner determined by the school or center in which the faculty or staff member works. In the case of the School of Medicine, recognition eligibility is determined by the department.
Service milestones are recognized by the presentation of a congratulatory letter with an invitation to select a recognition award. Milestone awardees may select a gift via an online portal or telephone. Staff and faculty have the option of having the award delivered to their home or office.
This policy applies to all full-time and part-time faculty and staff members of the University. The service recognition milestone must occur between January 1 and December 31 of the subject year, based on benefits-eligible service. For employees who have bridged their time, refer to the date confirmed by the Division of Human Resources. The eligible member must be in active service on their service milestone date in order to receive this award. Members in leave of absence status will receive their awards upon their return.
Penn recognizes faculty and staff member milestones beginning with 10 years of benefits-eligible service and at each following five-year milestone.
The Division of Human Resources is responsible for providing schools, centers, and departments with lists of faculty and staff eligible for service recognition. School, center, and department recognition coordinators are responsible for returning the confirmed list of eligible staff and faculty with all relevant fields, including full names and years of service, to or verifying via PennBox link by September 15 each year.
Discrepancies in eligibility information are to be reported to the HR Quality of Work-Life department for further research and determination at or (215) 573-2471. They may also be reported to the Penn Employee Solution Center at or (215) 898-7372.
For questions related to your milestone gift (shipping, returns, exchanges), please contact HALO Recognition.
Phone: 1 (800) 999-3462
Email: or
Policy Number: 701
Effective Date: 01/09/2020
Last Reviewed: 07/22/2024
Supersedes Policy Number(s): 701 (09/15/1998, 02/01/2000, 9/22/2003, 7/1/2018, 8/18/2023)
Applicability: Full-time and part-time Faculty and Staff Members and Limited-Service employees
Cross-reference: N/A