Policy Manual

Dual Employment

Dual employment occurs when a staff member holds two or more paid positions (primary and additional) within the University of Pennsylvania and/or UPHS entities*. University of Pennsylvania and UPHS staff may only be on the payroll of one entity.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff are paid correctly for an additional position(s) within the University and/or UPHS; and that one payroll system tracks, documents and pays for all hours worked. Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of the Departments’ Directors/Business Administrators, managers, and supervisors; and Human Resources.

*UPHS entities include the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), Pennsylvania Hospital (PAH), Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (PPMC), the Clinical Practices of the University of Pennsylvania (CPUP), UPHS Corporate Services (CORP), Home Care and Hospice Services (HCHS), Clinical Care Associates (CCA), Chester County Hospital (CCH), Lancaster General Hospital (LGH), and Clinical Health Care Associates (CHCA). 


A dually-employed staff member will be on the payroll of the Penn department in which the primary position sits.  The primary position is the one that has the greatest number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) hours. The primary department is responsible for accurately tracking all hours worked in all departments, reviewing all time records, and for ensuring timely payment for all combined regular and overtime hours worked.  Staff members are responsible for accurately entering all hours worked and submitting their completed time records in Workday within the time period required for approval.

For staff who have a primary position at Penn, an additional job at Penn must be:

  • the same “employee type” as the primary position, and
  • the same “pay group” as the primary position.


A dually-employed staff member will be on the payroll of the entity in which the primary position sits.  The primary position is the one that has the greatest number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) hours.  The primary entity is responsible for accurately tracking all hours worked in all entities, reviewing all time records, ensuring timely payment for all combined regular and overtime hours worked, and charging back the cost of the additional job to the accounting unit of the additional entity.  Staff members are responsible for accurately recording all hours worked and for submitting their completed time records within the time period required for approval. 

UPHS employees should refer to UPHS Policy: Employees Working in Multiple Jobs.


Staff whose primary positions are classified as non-exempt, and who meet the conditions of dual employment, will receive overtime pay for all time worked over 40 hours in a workweek.  All hours worked, in all positions, in all entities/departments, apply toward the calculation of overtime.  The overtime rate calculation will take into account multiple rates of pay, as applicable.  Overtime is based on a blended weighted average of the hourly rate for the primary and additional positions.  Note that exempt staff receive straight time pay and do not receive overtime pay.

Overtime expenses are charged to the department(s) in which the staff member worked over 40 hours. If a staff member worked over 40 hours in one position and then in the same workweek also worked additional time in his/her other position, each department is only responsible for the overtime pay/hours worked in its own department. 

308.4 TIME OFF

Staff members may not be paid from two sources for the same time period.  Thus, staff members must work at their additional position(s) outside of the core work hours of their primary job(s); or they must use their available accrued paid time off (PTO) from their primary position(s) to work in their additional position(s), and vice versa.


Because of the financial and operational implications of staff members holding an additional position(s) within the University of Pennsylvania, or between the University of Pennsylvania and UPHS, the approval of both the primary department manager and the additional department manager is required before a staff member may begin in the additional role(s).


Holding dual employment within the University of Pennsylvania and/or UPHS is not permitted without prior approval from Human Resources.  Pay arrangements for working in an additional position(s) must be approved by Human Resources prior to starting work in that position(s).   

For staff members whose primary and additional position(s) are within the University, Human Resources will review the request for dual employment and determine whether the staff member will be paid for the additional position(s) through an Additional Job, Allowance Plan, One-time Payment, etc.

Policy Number: 308
Effective Date: 12/12/2014
Last Reviewed: 06/12/2019
Revised Date: 10/09/2019
Supersedes Policy Number(s):  308 (02/21/2011)
Applicability:  All regular staff members who hold two or more paid positions within the University of Pennsylvania and/or the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS)
Cross-reference: Overtime Pay and/or Compensatory Time - Policy 302UPHS Policy: Employees Working in Multiple Jobs

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