Penn Faculty Benefits News

Penn Faculty Benefits News: February 10, 2015

Have You Named Your Beneficiaries? They’re Worth It.

Man and Child in WinterWhile choosing your life insurance and retirement plan beneficiaries takes serious thought, it only takes minutes to verify and update your beneficiary designations. Simply download this check list to make sure you have everything you need to get started.

If you’ve been putting off this task, you’re not alone. It takes a little effort to make sure that your beneficiaries are on file with your Penn life insurance and retirement plan providers, but it will pay off in long-term peace of mind.

By properly designating beneficiaries and keeping those records up-to-date, you can rest assured that the people and organizations you care about will receive payments according to your wishes. Plus, you’ll avoid adding financial difficulties to your loved ones’ burdens when you’re no longer here. If you don’t designate beneficiaries, your retirement plan or insurance policy money may get tied up, taxed, or distributed in undesirable ways.

For additional guidance on life insurance issues, contact the Penn Benefits Center at 1-888-PENNBEN (1-888-736-6236), Monday through Friday, 8am to 6m EST. For retirement planning assistance, contact Penn’s Retirement Call Center at 1-877-PENN-RET (1-877-736-6738), Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm EST.

Facing Change and Challenges

Woman Walking on Walnut Street Under UmbrellaEveryone faces changes and challenges that can be stressful, distracting, and at times, overwhelming. Whether you’re at a personal crossroads or you’re working with a student, colleague, or family member in distress, it can impact your physical and emotional well-being. In these situations, Penn’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help.

EAP is there to support Penn faculty and staff with issues at the intersection of work and family life. This confidential service, managed by Penn Behavioral Health, offers one-on-one counseling with licensed therapists, as well as consultations, coaching, and information about a range of community services that address personal and professional life challenges.

EAP’s professionals can assist in dealing with major life events, from positive changes such as adoption, purchasing a home, or an exciting new assignment to serious crises such as general anxiety, depression, substance abuse, physical illness, the loss of a loved one, or interpersonal conflicts. EAP even offers legal and money management referrals.

EAP is available at no cost for faculty and staff members or their immediate dependents. Eligible faculty and staff may schedule up to eight counseling sessions per specific issue each fiscal year. EAP professionals can also refer you to health care providers and other appropriate resources for long-term support.

Don’t hesitate to reach out. EAP professionals are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-888-321-4433 or online. Visit Penn’s EAP website for a complete list of available support services.

Get Heart Healthy with Dr. Chileshe Nkonde-Price

Chileshe Nkonde-PriceThere’s no better time than February, American Heart Month, to learn about cardiovascular fitness from cardiologist Chileshe Nkonde-Price, Director of the Women’s Cardiovascular Program and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Nkonde-Price is a passionate public health advocate who goes where the people are to share her specialized knowledge with the community.

Dr. Nkonde-Price is the force behind This fitness challenge website is a source for exercise tracking apps, health education, and more. In the course of her research and advocacy, Dr. Nkonde-Price has addressed health issues with a range of audiences, from Connecticut Public Broadcasting’s Conversations on Health Care to the American Heart Association to the TraChic hair salon in Landsdowne, Pa. She’s even discussed her own experiences as a patient with The New Yorker magazine.

On February 26 at 12pm, join Dr. Nkonde-Price for Get Heart Healthy, a free, one-hour workshop for Penn faculty and staff members. This interactive program covers heart disease risk factors such as family history, personal history, habits, and environment. You’ll learn practical solutions to improve your health with a special focus on resources available to Penn faculty and staff. At the end of the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about the heart and your overall well-being. Space is limited, so please register in advance.

For more information on Get Heart Healthy and other upcoming wellness programs, visit the Event Registration page.

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