Professional Development

Career Development for Staff

As a manager, you want to invest in professional development that will have positive impact on the efficiency, productivity, quality, and timeliness of your staff and their work.

Start with the End in Mind

When a staff member requests to attend training:

  • Discuss why they want to attend the training and what they expect to gain or learn.
  • Explain what your expectations are for applying the skills they gain when they return.
  • Ask the staff member to submit 3-5 bullet points of what they’ll do differently upon returning from training.
  • Set that expectation in advance about how they will identify key learning points and create a plan for applying them back on the job is critical.

Proactively Identify Skills Gaps

Your team may have a skills gap if expectations for communication, collaboration, timeliness, or quality are not being met, or if they could be met more effectively.  Consider if:

  • A manager or employee performs adequately, but there is room for improvement.
  • Incremental improvement in a skill could be useful to your team, department, or organization.
  • There are consistent pain points in a process, job, or team.

If so, explore Talent Development opportunities that can help fill the gap.

Professional Development for Managers

As a manager, you have to attend to your own professional development, too. Use the same strategy for determining your training needs as you do for your staff: If you’re going to invest time in attending training, consider how you will apply the information or skills to your work. 

Understanding your training needs may also require self-reflection. Consider:

  • Where would you like to be better?
  • Where would it benefit your team or the university to be better at something? (The aim is usually to improve a skill you already have, not to learn a completely new skill.)
  • Where do you want to go, and where want to grow?
  • Where are your personal pain points? What can help you immediately?
  • What’s of concern to you right now, and how will training influence that?

Learning and Education also offers a range of Leadership Development programs that can help managers enhance their management and leadership skills.