Tuition and Other University Benefits for Retirees

Tuition Benefits for Retirees

Retired University faculty and staff who meet University eligibility requirements and retirement criteria are eligible for tuition benefits as outlined in Penn's tuition policies as follows:

Benefit details and coverage are based upon the policies in place at the time of use. View Penn's tuition policies.

Retired Faculty Members

Though no faculty member acquires new rights or privileges in the University upon retirement, certain of those rights and privileges to which he or she was entitled to prior to retirement are still extended:

  • Office Space—When a retired faculty member is actively engaged in productive scholarship, the University will try to furnish office space as well as assistance from the departmental secretarial pool. Such aid can be granted only if it is available. Prior consideration must be given to the Standing and Associated Faculties. Office space, if provided, may be shared or rescinded. Note that you must provide an annual update of your continuing productive scholarship to your Department Chair and Dean.
  • Research or travel grant applications—You may file research or travel grant applications. The consent of the relevant Department Chair or Dean must be obtained prior to submission to the Vice Provost for Research. Such applications will be transmitted further only if the Vice Provost believes the project to be of significance, if there is a probability of its being completed and if necessary office and laboratory space is available.
  • Faculty Meetings—You may attend meetings of your school’s faculty and may participate in the work of faculty committees if invited.
  • Faculty Senate Meetings—The right to attend is extended by the by-laws of the Senate.
  • Faculty Studies in the Library—You may apply if such facilities are required.
  • Telephone Directory—You may be listed in the directory if desired.
  • Mail/Email—Upon approval from your department, you may receive mail at the University and maintain a University email address.

Penn Perks

When you retire, you may still be eligible for numerous other special perks. You will be responsible for any fees or membership dues. For more information, please use the contact information below.

Benefit Phone Number Website
Penn libraries 215-898-7556
Recreational facilities (Pottruck Center and Fox Fitness Center), exercise classes, and health seminars 215-898-6100
University Club at Penn 215-573-8627
Almanac subscription 215-898-5274
Parking permits 215-898-8667

PennCard for Retirees

Retired faculty and staff of the University of Pennsylvania are entitled to a PennCard under most circumstances. Take your current PennCard (or if your last card has already expired, some valid form of photo ID) to the PennCard Center on the 2nd floor of the Penn Bookstore at 3601 Walnut Street. You will then be issued a Retired Faculty/Staff card good for 5 years. There is no charge for the card providing you turn in your unexpired PennCard. For more information, call the PennCard Center at 215-417-CARD or visit the PennCard Center homepage.